After two years of absence, it was good to be able to visit the rivercommunities on the Purus River, to encourage one another and to praise God together. We have also had a great and instructive time in the tribe, made nice encounters and memories!
Do you think we’ved made it, to buy our new car???
Aa uniwaniti? (How are you)?
With mixed feelings I stepped into the boat with Lucas and Saulo to make the four-hour travel. On the other hand, I felt tension and nerves about how it would be with Saulo, such a long time in a small boat on this big river. In addition, I am excited to be able to make this trip again after two years. Do you remember? At the end of 2017 we made a trip to two river communities with a group of seven missionary friends for oral Bible studies. After a little more than four hours of sailing we stopped in one of the river communities, named Jurucuá. Here we were welcomed with a loving smile and wide open arms: “You have returned! With a baby! ”The freshly caught fish and farinha (a local specialty of cassava flour) were put on the table and we enjoyed the lunch and the company. It was good to see and talk with our friends in this community after two years.After saying goodbye, we continued sailing further across the Purus river and reached the river community, named Samauma, to spent the night here to continue the travel the next day, to finally reach the tribe where the practical lessons from the transcultural school were given.

When the boat was laid, it started to rain. The tribe can only be reached on foot from the river. We both had a large backpack on our backs, and Saulo hung in the kangaroo on Lucas’ belly. Lucas climbed (on hands and feet) up the slippery, steep slippery slope of clay soil, my heart was in my throat haha! So many tensions and enthusiasm at the same time. Because of the rain we walked ahead of the group with Saulo. I could never have imagined that someday I would walk with my husband and our son through the large green Amazon, to an Indian tribe … craziness! ” The path split into two, where did we have to go now? In the distance it sounded like men playing football, so we decided to walk towards the sound. We climbed a steep slope again, and once we were up we were looked at by many eyes. After Lucas briefly introduced us to one of the men, we were directed to the place where we were allowed to stay. Here, waiting for the leader of the tribe, all the women and children came to stand in front of us in half a circle. We were admired by a dozen faces with wide eyes and broad smiles. Saulo stood out because he looks different from all other (Indian) babies, different eyes and a white skin.. A wonderful and indescribable feeling; we felt welcome and loved by the locals of the tribe.

The students of the transcultural school were divided into smaller groups and were instructed to learn 20 new words a day in the tribal language. Hereby the same method as a child learns is used: The designation of material, photos or doing movements and hereby repeatedly listening to the corresponding word. The students also discovered that, for example: “thank you” in the tribal language is a word that describes the feeling: something that is incredibly good, as well as nice or fine, etc. It describes more “gratitude” than “thank you”. It is wonderful to discover how each tribe has its own culture, and to be able to discover this through the language! It was super nice to hear from the students that we could be a support and encouragement for them.

Visiting these tribes on the Purus River, sparks the desire to go back to the tribe that we work with. To be able to discover more of their rich culture, in doing and speaking. And yes: this is possible: Thanks to all your prayers and donations, we have succeeded in purchasing a suitable car! If the Lord wants it, our plan is to travel to them in two weeks to strengthen our relationship with them. Thank you for all your support, and thank you God for your guidance!

Do you pray with us for:
⁃ God’s (guidance) guidance on the preparation for this
journey back to the tribe: in addition to the practical preparations, it is also exciting to
make this journey again after the car accident.
⁃ To prepare the hearts of the inhabitants of the tribe that the Spirit may be
recognized above all spirits!
⁃ Security and unity for us as a family, that we stay close to each other and especially
stay close to God together. Keep following his guidance, even when our emotions and
feelings want to do the opposite.
And would you like to thank for:
⁃ The possibility to visit the tribe again!
⁃ The purchase of our new suitable car!
⁃ Our health, above all Saulo, which develops and grows so well and healthily.
– Our beautiful family.