We are looking back to an intense, busy but a beautiful time in the Netherlands. A time in which we were able to witness about what God did and does through us in Brazil. Also, we fully enjoyed from the moments we had with our family and friends. It was nice and good to be together again. Of course we also could show our son Saulo to them! Saulo even get to know his Dutch great grandmas We are very thankful for the relations that are made stronger and for the new relationships we could build.

Besides all this meetings we could enjoy and rest a week of vacation, surrounded by the beautiful farmer nature in Friesland.
As always is the time too short and the moments are too less. But we are very grateful for the memories that we where able to make with you! We felt very ourselves welcome and carried; Thank you all so much!
After our travel back to Brazil, we first stayed one week in different YWAM based in Rio de Janeiro; where Lucas and I worked before. It was good to see everybody again, and it encouraged us to see and hear what the staff is working on and with. After this short week we continued our travel to the city we live in; Porto Velho.

Here has, after our absence of three months, our house became dirty. The past three months it was the raining season here, and most of the houses here in the Brazilian Amazon have just like our house no windows of glass but just mosquito nets.
So the first week back we needed especially to make our house dust, sand and spider free!
During our absence was the engine of our 4×4 unfortunately floated with water, because of the heavy rain; this should be filled with oil. The rain water was easy to take out, but as you can imagine there was rust everywhere. To repare it the costs would be around R$ 3000,00 (this is outbound €650,00). We were really happy hat Antonio, the man with who we will go to the tribe, could repare the car for us.

Faster then we expected, we had a conversation with the family of Antonio. Last week they went to the tribe to observe the situation. They also introduced us. This coming week, as it is in the LORD his will, we will go together with them to the tribe. We will bring our hammocks, and we will see how all will go. The goal is to meet one another.
Saulo is doing very well, he is continuing in his rhythm and a happy boy that plays a lot. Also he is training loudly his vocal cords!
Personally I, Christa, notice that it is hard to get to used again to the Portugese language. After being a long time in the Netherlands, and now at home talking Dutch with Saulo, it is hard to be busy all the time with three languages. Lucas speaks Portugese with Saulo, br I will continue to speak Dutch with só that he learns this language also. Besides this, it is common for Lucas and me to communicate together in English.
Will you pray with us?
- for a blessing on our preparations (practically and mentally) for our first visit in the tribe;
- for the difficulties in getting used to the use of more languages.
And giving thanks to God for
- the safety during the travels we have made;
- that Saulo is adapting so fast and that he is a lovely, happy and healthy boy.