Dear friends,
How wonderful it is to be back home in the Amazon region after two years. Almost immediately upon our arrival here in Porto Velho, we were already busy preparing for the DTS (Discipleship Training School) which started February 17th. The special thing about this DTS is, that we also have students from different indigenous tribes. Some of them only master the basics of the Portuguese language and do not yet have a Bible, Bible passage or a single Bible verse in their own language!
We find it particularly beautiful that, now that the doors have been closed for us missionaries to enter many native tribes, God is addressing the Indians to come here for training in order to be a blessing to their population.

The moving back
Before Lucas, Saulo and I (Christa) traveled by plane to Porto Velho. About two weeks later Lucas came with our car and stuff. The journey from Rio de Janeiro to Porto Velho is five full days by car. It was a challenging and tiring journey, so we are very grateful that Lucas arrived safely with us, in an already cleaned home. It is very special to be back here in the same house, to be able to carry another child in the same environment. Yes yes, you read it right: full of gratitude and joy we like to share with you that Saulo will become a big brother! Completely happy and proud, he hid buy a shirt for his little brother. So far a blessed pregnancy of a healthy and actively growing boy.

Lucas’ study in Bible translation
In the meantime, Lucas is working on the final project of his Master: he will translate the Bible book of Ruth together with colleagues. This to one of the languages of an indigenous population, who does not yet have a single part of the Bible available in their own language. Imagine: no encouragement, comfort or wisdom that can speak to your heart from the Bible…
It is a big, exciting but beautiful challenge. The reason we don’t share the name of the tribe is for security reasons, because we like to hope to continue the translation project without any possible interruption.

let all the peoples praise you!
Psalm 67:4-5
We realize that we can testify to very nice developments. Works that are possible through God’s Spirit who goes before us and works through us. We ask that you remember us and the works in which we are involved in your prayers.
With love,
Lucas, Christa & Saulo