Dear All,
As you probably read and hear in the media, the Covid-19 pandemic has an extreme impact on daily life in Brazil. In addition to the large number of illnesses and deaths, it affects everyone economically and mentally. Unfortunately, fear is also rising enormously, due to the increasing police violence. As we mentioned in an earlier blog, we temporarily went to Rio de Janeiro from the Amazon for an operation on Lucas’s torn shoulder tendon. Recently we received an urgent advice for Lucas from his doctor to stay in Rio de Janeiro for his rehabilitation this year. So that he can be sure that Lucas’ rehabilitation has gone more than well. So that when we are back in the Amazon, far away from doctors and specialists, we do not have any unexpected problems.

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson
Unfortunately, due to the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, this operation was delayed. When the operation was finally performed, Lucas did not recover, prompting an urgent minor additional surgery. Fortunately, the pain complaints quickly diminished after this. Unexpectedly, Lucas suddenly felt a tremendous pain in his other shoulder. After examination, it turned out that the same problem was developing here. His tendon was also tearing off in this shoulder. Fortunately our doctor was able to have him admitted quickly, he also had surgery on this shoulder. Lucas is currently working on his rehabilitation therapy, with exercises for muscle strengthening. When we went to Rio de Janeiro over a year ago, the idea was that this would be a short period, in line with the planned surgery and rehabilitation period. The extra surgery necessitated a longer stay. After the urgent advice of Lucas his doctor, to stay in Rio de Janeiro this year, we have decided to leave the favela Borel and live and work for the remainder of this year at another base, JOCUM Carioca, in Rio de Janeiro. We have already a working and friendship based relationship with this YWAMbase for several years now.

This base is in a quieter place. Because I, Christa, suffer from stress and anxiety, (although things are improving at the moment) it is wise to be in a less stressful environment before heading back to the Amazon. In recent months I had already taken a “step back” at work, this time God has fulfilled our calling / passion for languages in a special way. Through our friend and photographer Felipe Jonsson, God gave me, Christa, the opportunity to participate in the “communication” department of the YWAM base in Borel. Here, in addition to describing the events in the base and her social projects in the favela in Borel, I was allowed to learn to write with light! Photography has always been one of my passions, but now to be able to practice this language in class and practice is truly fantastic! I hope and pray for wisdom to be able to show or tell good stories.
1. The five cheerful students of the DTS
2. Christa her lectures in practice
Because we were forced to stay longer in Rio de Janeiro due to the new operations, Lucas has been asked to lead a new DTS. Lucas answered this question positively and started the new DTS. Despite all the Covid-19 limitations, five cheerful and young students have started the DTS and are delving into who God is, who they are in God and how they can make the greatness of God known to their environment.
For Lucas this is an intensive time, as in addition to leading the DTS and his rehabilitation, he is also busy with obtaining his Master in Applied Linguistics for Bible translation. A fourth language now sounds in our house: Hebrew. Lucas greatly enjoys all the discoveries and is enthusiastically focused on our ultimate goal: translating the Bible for those who still cannot read or hear a Bible in their language.

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson
Our calling to visit and support an indigenous community is not yet possible due to the Covid-19 restrictions. In prayer and consultation with the base in Porto Velho, a plan is devised not to stop the works. We are grateful to God for giving us this time to prepare us on all fronts, with training/education but also as a family!
Now we hope to visit the Netherlands soon. Saulo and I in June, with hopefully Lucas joining us in July due to the DTS outreach. We have planned to travel back to Rio de Janeiro in early August.
We ask you to join us in praying and thanking you for:
- The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, which cost lives, fear and grief;
- Lucas and the team of employees of the DTS, that they continue to seek and experience God’s wisdom and peace in all decisions and situations that they experience during this intensive outreach (practice mission trip of the students);
- For the five young students, that they feel protected in the spiritual spheres during this journey, remain one; In God and with each other.
- Praise God that the doctor discovered problems in Lucas’s other shoulder in time, despite the multiple surgeries Lucas is now getting better and has virtually no pain in his shoulders! May it continue as well until full recovery!
- Grateful for the feeling we get to experience in discovering and practicing new languages! God’s blessing on this, that we may bless others with this;
- Grateful for Saulo are good developments: how he is forming and growing into a person of his own full of beautiful strong character traits.