“Mommy, mommy, come and see, come and see!” Curious I walk towards Saulo’s enthusiastic shouting. He jumps up and down enthusiastically with a big smile on his face. “It’s finished mom, my room is finished!” He dances happily in his new bedroom. Tears welled up in my eyes and I was flooded with gratitude.

As a mother, it means a lot to me that after four years of working here, I canfinally put the boys in their own bed in their room for the first time. Both in a bunk bed, with the idea of receiving guests. Children are already eager to come and sleep with Saulo and Joshua in their room.
I realize how exceptionally beautiful it is; That the sketches that I was allowed to make on paper together with Lucas have now really become a beautiful wooden house. We can move in and have our home. In the midst of the people, how hopeful we have lived towards this. We as a family, but also you as a compassionate community in Christ. The fact that these sketches became reality was only possible with all your help. We are so full of gratitude!

We are still in the middle of the move, but the office was put into use on the second day. They worked enthusiastically on the final corrections to the translation. What a blessing to have such a peaceful place to work here in the tribe!
Please join us in praying for the next step, when the translation of the Bible book of Ruth is shared with various people from the nation. We hope to travel to different tribes to see if everyone understands it correctly, or if adjustments still need to be made before the official translation can be completed.

While washing the dishes, I look out of the kitchen window with a smile on my face at the special event, how the gray-colored monkey curiously watches how the boys are playing, they are building a house from the scrap wood.
“Hey sister, is the coffee still warm?” My thoughts were interrupted, suddenly there is my new girlfriend in the kitchen. I enjoy how people feel free to walk in with us. How full of life our veranda, which serves as our living room, and our kitchen are. We share many cups of coffee and meals together, wonderful to get to know each other in this way. It feels like now that our home is complete, our calling has become more focused and personal.

We would like to ask you to pray for us, that in addition to the work of Bible translation, we make the right ministry choices. There is always a tremendous amount of work to be done, so maintaining a good balance between caring for our family and our ministry is a major challenge.
Being able to start the new calendar year by moving into our house provides a literal new start. In which we look forward with enthusiasm to the beautiful things we can witness together with you, the people and above all with our heavenly Father.
Christa, Lucas,
Saulo & Joshua