The plan was to be back in the indigenous village in early February. But, after some medical examinations that Lucas had done, we had to face the fact that Lucas needs to have surgery on his shoulder again. Two years ago Lucas also had an surgery on his shoulder, which lots of times dislocated. Now, two years later, Lucas still has severe shoulder pain daily. It turns out that his shoulder tendon is ruptured, which also is chronically inflamed (supraspinatus tendinopathy). Unfortunately, it appears that after his previous surgery, Lucas received incorrect guidance during his rehabilitation program in Porto Velho. Because of this we decided to, this time, do the surgery and the rehabilitation program in Rio de Janeiro. This so because we have access to reliable specialists here. Also to prevent Lucas from taking more unnecessary damage in his body. We thank God that the Cacique, the chief of the tribe, is full of understanding about this difficult decision.
The full green Amazon The full builded favela Borel – Rio de Janeiro
The conversion of our living and working environment
And now, your missionary work?
We find it very difficult at the moment; Not to be able to return to the indigenous community. I, Christa, find this very difficult because I am aware of the fact that we live from sponsor money. Justifying that we cannot do the works that we have planned and shared. This brings considerable struggle to my thinking.
We received a surprising invitation if we are willing to help in the favela Borel. This is the place where both, Lucas and I, started in the mission field. Here we discovered ourselves and each other; In and with God. The exact date of Lucas his surgery, depends on the situation regarding the Corona virus. There is a date planned, but it is uncertain whether it can continue.
We experience this as a wonderful gift God is giving to us:
That despite the situation, we may continue together with Him.
“To get to know Him better, to make Him known!”
Corona in Brazil
Currently, the virus is also spreading in Brazil. Providing actions were taken in time: everyone stays at home. Unfortunately, the president thinks defferently and we wait prayerfully what damage the virus will bring in Brazil. The majority of the Brazilian population is without income, which means no possibility to pay the monthly living costs. Many favelas and poorly neighbourhoods are without water for weeks, which means not being able to prevent the spreading of the infecting virus by hygienic measures.
We ask you to pray with us for the following points, among others:
– The (temporary) relocation and conversion of the Amazon to the favela.
– The surgery with the aim for a quick and good recovery of Lucas’s shoulder.
– Our time as a family in the busy favela, that Saulo may continue to develop well,
despite the new environment.
– The Carona virus, worldwide, the loss, the fears, the mourning. But let us especially
pray that many give (back) their lives to God our Lord!

Love & Blessings!
Lucas, Christa & Saulo