Hello everyone!
We are so grateful for this time that God is giving us here in Rio de Janeiro! We feel carried by God, we experience how God is taking care of us down to the details in such a loving way. A time in which we are being strengthened physically, mentally and spiritually. We enjoy Saulo’s rapid developments; he speaks new words every day. We are proud and grateful how he speaks and understands both: Portuguese and Dutch! The rehabilitation program, following on the surgery on Lucas his shoulder tendon, is progressing as expected. At the moment he can already lift up his arm independently, just not carry any weight with his arm. From now on, the focus will be on strength training, with the hopeful expectation that after six months his muscles and tendons will be in order.
Saulo who never becomes tired of driving on his “motorcycle”. We are so blessed through the hands of Maria Helena, who takes care of Saulo while we are working.
Lost or not?
During our start up, again here in Rio de Janeiro, we felt defeated and lost; We felt like we were not in the place that we believed our calling is. We wanted so badly to be back in the Brazilian Amazon, in the midst of the indigenous population. And here we are, in the slum in the busy big city of Rio de Janeiro.
During one of the classes in the Discipleship Training School (DTS), in which we currently work, great attention was paid to the fact that God is not calling us to serve in a geographic place, but that God is a God of relationships. God calls us to serve people, persons. We are at peace with not being in the place where we thought we should be, but still have our focus on serving the same calling. We are therefore very happy that Lucas has received an acceptance letter to participate in the study “Linguistics and Bible translation”. This degree is a master’s degree and established through a blessed partnership between the University of the Nations, the Wycliffe Global Alliance and the Jerusalem-based Biblical Languages & Translation Institute. The final assignment of the program is to translate a Bible book into the language of a population group that has not (yet) been reached. The first year of this training will be given via an online platform, making it possible for Lucas to study from home, continue his rehabilitation program from his shoulder and to work in the DTS.

A look in the classroom – Lucas teaches about the inductive Bible study method with the Bible book Titus.
Mission trip with the DTS
We have an intensive but wonderful time with the students. Together getting to know God better, but also growing in making Him known. Just one more month of the lecture phase and then will start our two-months practical phase. The students are already practicing a lot with preaching and performing skits for both, children and adults. We are also prayerfully making plans about how we can be of practical help to the local population; As we will go for a “practice missionary trip” to the northern Brazilian state of Roraima. We will serve here in two different locations: Pacaraima is the first city in Brazil from the border with Venezuela. Here is a refugee camp that is overcrowded with Venezuelans who have fled. In Boa Vista, many Venezuelan refugees live on the streets with their large families. In both cities there is a great shortage of volunteers to help in the fight against, among others: hunger, hygiene and health problems, civil rights and language problems. Due to the high unemployment, there is a lot of prostitution and child trafficking. In addition, many children are also left behind, because parents try to survive elsewhere. All in all, very sad and difficult circumstances where through serving in a practical way, we hope to share the loving and hopeful message about Jesus Christ. We will mainly focus on preparing and distributing basic packages and meals. In addition, we are also prepared to work with the homeless families and the children on the streets as well with the women who have been forced to work in prostitution. You can also support this, if you want!
Plans for the next year
We have received a challenging offer to lead a bilingual (Portuguese-English) DTS early next year here in Borel, Rio de Janeiro. The school focuses on Biblical foundations, character development and on missionary work. We are already very enthusiastic working on the preparations, in the meantime God is already forming a fantastic team with which we may work together! There is also already contact with the first registered students! This DTS will happen from the 5th of February until the 10th of July 2021.
Are you or do you know someone who has a heart that burns to get to know God better and make Him known? Please contact us so that we can help you with the registration and preparations! There are limited places…

We are counting on your prayers and hope that you happily give thank with us!
With love,
Lucas, Christa & Saulo
Be blessed!