What a hectic but beautiful year it has been. After the car accident we were confused for a moment, it seemed impossible to go back to the village. Every planned appointment went wrong for various reasons. We were encouraged by you! In a short time many hands were put together in prayer, projects and donations so that we could purchase a new car. After purchasing the car, there was an question whether Lucas would like to come and visit a tribe. It was nice that there was a distracting option and so Lucas brought a team (that works with oral Bible translation) to the tribe. How beautiful the discovery that this tribe has the same tribal language as the tribe where we previously went. How beautiful when something seems impossible, God shows another way !!
The written Bible is recorded as an audio bible in the local tribal language.
The tribe had shared the question with Lucas if there would be structural missionaries again. In the past, missionaries lived among them who learned the tribal language and translated the New Testament into writing for them. The Old Testament is not yet in the tribal language. Although they can speak the Portuguese language, the Portuguese Bible is too difficult to understand. Nor is it their native language and so the Bible stays far away. The question is whether we can help them explain the Bible. Since it is possible, even asked, to live (periodically) among them, it is also possible to learn the tribal language. They are very excited that we have a desire to learn their language and would like to help us with it! We are grateful that God let us walk step by step in His plan. Thankfully we are allowed to serve this indigenous population.
Saulo’s washable diapers have generated a great positive interest among the mothers in the tribe!
Once every two years there is a conference of the mission movement that we work with: JOCUM em família (YWAM in family). They were four days full of encouraging testimonies and sermons (or lessons). It has done us very well to be addressed in our hearts. To meet fellow missionaries from all over Brazil and to exchange experiences.

After this we continued on our journey by car to Rio de Janeiro, to spend the holidays in Lucas’ parental home. Vovô (grandfather), vovó (grandmother) and tio (uncle) are very happy to see Saulo (and us of course) again. We are very happy to be able to recharge after this hectic year. We enjoy a moment of peace and family love that we need. At the end of January we can even enjoy a meeting with opa (grandfather), oma (grandmother) and oome (uncle) Reinder from the Netherlands!
It is planned to be back in Porto Velho at the beginning of February. After a short preparation we would like to continue to the village, but this depends on the amount of rain when this is exactly possible.
We want to thank you all for all your support in encouragement, prayers and finances! Thank you for not being on our own, but having a wonderful team around us who wants to share the gospel with all nations!
We wish you a happy New Year and all the blessings for a prosperous 2020!
Lots of love from the three of us,
Lucas, Christa and Saulo