Dear Family and Friends,
First of all, we would like to let you know that we are doing well. We see many shocking news reports coming from Brazil about the Corona virus. The consequences of the rapidly spreading virus are big, also in the native tribes and the favelas. Many families had a hard time before the virus. They are dependent on daily jobs and payments, and so currently have no income. Unfortunately, most people live more with fear of poverty and hunger than the virus itself.

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020
How are the native tribes doing?
In addition to the fact that the indigenous people already suffer from a shortage of food and hygiene products, the virus has also reached the Amazon. At present, all indigenous tribes are closed by the government. For protection against the Indians, they are not allowed to leave their residential community, and no one from the outside can enter. Through the rivers, by canoe or boat they try to reach the nearest city for a hospital. This is a travel that takes hours, sometimes even days. We have had telephone contact with the chief of the native Indian tribe with whom we work. He told us, praise God, that so far their has been no Corona at their residential community. Now that all outsiders and aid workers have been expelled from the residential communities, the violence over the demarcated protected Indian lands has risen sharply. A sad situation, where no physical help can be offered, right now. Prayer has no limits, please pray with us?

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020

What is the situation with you in Borel?
According to the national figures that map the Corona situation in Brazil, there are no COVID-19 patients in Borel. In reality, there are dying more people than regurarely, but nothing has been registered due to a lack of tests. This situation also applies to many other favelas.
Unfortunately, there have been too many times in the last few weeks when I had to bring Saulo inside the house to take shelter. The overwhelming sound of shooting between the police and the drug gang sometimes resembles a Dutch New Year’s Eve. Hope seems lost due to the growing feelings of fear and sadness. For this we share creative messages of hope with the food packages. As a base YWAM Borel we can help as many as six-hundred families from different favelas, for a total of 4 months! While handing out the meals (which we cook for the homeless on weekends), we are very grateful and encouraged by the many cars of different churches on the streets with the same mission. It is wonderful to be able to witness a church, a family, a body that stands up together and looks lovingly at those in need!

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020
How’s your health?
Because the hospitals were overcrowded with Corona patients, the doctors had advised Lucas not to have the surgery on his shoulder performed. Currently, a hospital is completely Corona-free and Lucas may have surgery on his shoulder tendon at the end of June, if the Lord wants it. After that Lucas will train his shoulder for about a year in a rehabilitation program. For too long I have not paid attention to what I really felt. Continued to work and serve, bearing in mind that this is what I should be doing as a missionary. Until simply doing the dishes became too much. Thanks to my loving husband and friends who advised me to use modern technology: I currently am enjoying pastoral (video) conversations. It greatly helps me to express myself in my mother tongue, a trauma processing process and awareness of the triggers that revive them.

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020

Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020
What will your coming time look like?
If the Lord wants it, the Discipleship Training School (DTS) will start in July. In this school, the students will have a three months during theorical time in which they “get to know God”. Followed by a two months during practical time of “making Him known”. Preparations are in full swing, our classroom is the floor being laid and students’ rooms are being prepared. Teachers are invited to plan their trips and lessons. We are grateful that, despite this uncertain and exciting time of the pandemic, there are students who want to use their lives to serve God in missionary work.
memory game with biblical stories.
prayer can change everything
donated food packages
Prayer brings hope, prayer brings love, prayer brings light to the darkness.
Prayer can change everything.
Photographer: Felipe Jonsson, 2020
You pray with us for, among other things
– Indigenous peoples with severely limited access to aid in and from surrounding cities. The
increasing violence to invade and destroy their “protected” territories by neighboring
farmers, prospectors and illegal tree harvesters.
– Rising poverty, the right people receive food packages and their greatest needs are met.
– The violence in the favela, the incessant police raids and the many victims.
– The new DTS students, take their first step in the mission in this uncertain time. That God
prepares their hearts with His Spirit. Their arrival at their temporary new home in a favela.
– For our DTS team (consisting of us and two other people). That we remain sensitive to
God’s guidance in preparing for classes and receiving students, each with his or her
personal story and background.
– For us as grassroots employees, protection at this time from both virus and police raids.
Keeping our balance in time of work, time of rest, time with God.
And thank you with us for, among other things
– So many people and churches lovingly looking after their fellow human beings in need.
– For the 600 food and hygiene packages that we can hand out with hope and love!
– For the registrations of the DTS students, that they want to serve in these uncertain
– That we can be close(r) with God in this difficult period.
With love,
Lucas, Christa & Saulo
Be blessed!