Dear all,
What wonderful events we experience, which we would like to share with you.
The students of the Discipleship Training School (DTS) have completed their theoretical part of the school and have started their practical period. We are working hard on preparations, training and planning for the translation project. And we´ved already arrived in the last trimester of pregnancy..

The DTS outreach
At the moment the group of students are staying in a tribe, where a big event will take place where young people from different ethnic groups will come together to get to know God better and worship Him together. In addition, in another town, they will support a local church in serving the church and town. Do you pray for a blessed time for the students, also for them to discover together with God what their path will be after the DTS?
Translation project
Lucas had a good trip with the team to the tribe. Grateful that, after two years of absence, the doors are still open and relationships can be further built: We thank God for this! We are also very grateful that Saulo enjoys being part of the missionary work in the tribe, he is looking forward to going back!

Meanwhile, we are here on base preparing for the next trip, regarding the Bible book of Ruth that we are going to translate. This means internalizing, exegesis and trying to bring the book as close as possible to the language so that the locals can understand it and get close to it so that we can carry out the translation of this pilot project. Our prayer is, of course, that after the Bible book of Ruth, all other Bible books will be translated with great passion!
It has been a huge blessing to have had a visit from Seed Company for the past three weeks. They had come with a team from North America to teach in person about the Oral Bible Translation Process (OBT). What each step of the translation process involves, how to proceed and how to practice translated/detailed Bible storytelling, see photos. You can watch a small video impression of these weeks via this link: Seed Company OBT/OBS weeks.

Financial surprises
As you may have already understood, we were faced with unexpected worrisome surprises regarding our financial situation. Suddenly the value of the Euro started to fall sharply, while at the same time all prices have almost doubled. As a result, our monthly reserve pot suddenly disappeared. We are therefore very grateful to you for how you want to carry our burdens with us after a call from our home front team. Thank you so much for continuing your support even during all the crisis we are going through in the world. Very encouraging to experience so strongly what being church together means in practice. We are not alone, but may do God’s work together with you!
Looking forward
We have just entered the eighth month of pregnancy. So far it has been a wonderful pregnancy which we are enjoying immensely. For Saulo, waiting to meet his little brother becomes increasingly difficult. Just at the last minute before the delivery, we hope to travel to the tribe again next week, for about a month. Would you like to pray with us for a nice visit, in which plans can be outlined regarding the translation project? That both our and the local population’s hearts, eyes and minds are open to what God’s Spirit wants to do?

Love & blessings!
Lucas, Christa & Saulo